“A brilliant set of leadership tools that will help you succeed whatever your goal.”
Sir Clive Woodward
Become a
No Bullsh*t Trainer
Five reasons you
should join us…
We need more, better leaders everywhere – hospitals and schools, businesses and government.
Yet much of what we’re told (and sold) is simply snake-oil that inhibits those already in leadership positions from fulfilling their potential, and worse, excludes whole swathes of society from believing that leadership is something they can aspire to.
Based on the award-winning No.1 best-seller
No Bullsh*t Leadership has been at the top of the UK sales charts for over 18 months and in 2020 was named business book of the year.
It is nothing less than a revolution in the understanding, and practise of leadership. No guff, no unworkable theories, it cuts to the heart of modern leadership and has already inspired thousands to achieve their goals and ambitions.
Now we have created a comprehensive training programme based on the books unique leadership approach and are inviting training professions to become accredited partners to help spread the word.
Supercharge your business
We know organisations of all sizes and individuals at all points of their career rate leadership skills as their most important area for development. But we also know that most leadership theory is just that, long on words, light of stuff that actually makes a difference.
We are the opposite; the antidote to the tired training programmes wheeled out by faceless corporates.
If you want to stand-out and stand apart – and you share our passion for the transformative power of great leadership, we’d love to hear from you.
Share your passion for people
One of the greatest fallacies that surround the subject is that it is some secret knowledge available only to a chosen few.
We believe that leadership is difficult, but not complicated; that there is no ‘leadership type’. With the right tools and support anybody can lead and many hundreds of thousands already do.
We’re passionate about the transformative power of leadership. Leadership at the top, leadership from the middle and leadership of ourselves.
If you share our passion we’d love to hear from you.
We are as ambitious as you are
We’re really ambitious.
Leadership isn’t just a different role – it is the role in all organisations , teams big and small, that makes the difference. We believe No Bullsh*t Leadership can change peoples lives, companies fortunes – perhaps society itself.
We can ’t do this on our own.
If you’re ambitious, dissatisfied with status quo and want to learn, develop and grow with us – then we can’t wait to meet you.
We share your passion for people
We believe in teams and believe that diverse teams out-perform. Our community of individually elected practitioners will help us and each other grow, learn and thrive.
No Bullsh*t Leadership isn’t a static snap-shot in time, but a living breathing programme. We definitely haven’t gat all the answers and want to build a community who can support and help each others businesses learn, develop and grow.
And most importantly, who like and respect each other (and dare we suggest – enjoy ourselves along the way).

No Bullsh*t Leadership
Membership Fees
- Become fully trained and certified as a No Bullshit Leadership Partner by one of our founders
- A complete package of approved training tools created specifically for the programme including our bespoke diagnostic tool.
- Membership of our Practitioner community
- Use of the No Bullshit Leadership brand
No Bullshit Leadership is first and foremost about getting stuff done and making things happen.
Membership: £4000
Annual renewal: £1000
Licence fee: £250 per delegate
Experienced training practitioners and professionals with a proven track-record of delivering or sourcing L&D programmes.
Practitioners will share our passion for people and their capacity for growth and with the right support, personal transformation. They will be results focussed.
If you’re impatient to make things happen then we’d love to hear from you.
01234 555 666